Ben Franklin’s Advice for Your Business
Benjamin Franklin was active in numerous fields during his life, and we sometimes forget that business was one of them. He had a lot to say about it, too. Try reading ...
Benjamin Franklin was active in numerous fields during his life, and we sometimes forget that business was one of them. He had a lot to say about it, too. Try reading ...
The Google Keyboard may not have all of the interesting features that some smartphone keyboards have (like Swype), but it’s still an exceptional new application worth downloading to your mobile (and ...
It’s not enough to just have ideas, you need ones that will work for your specific company, and work well. How do you know the right idea when it comes along? ...
Everyone’s talking about two-step authentication, and only a select few companies are actually using it. However, as the process becomes more familiar to the public, it’s becoming more prominent. Yesterday, Evernote ...
Twitter recently announced that it now supports two-factor authentication (or 2FA), but it’s far from the first website to encourage users to use it. Google, Facebook, and Amazon are just a ...
In 2010, Google’s servers were hacked by Chinese hackers in attempts to get a hold of information that was private, US officials said. For the past three years, the government has ...
A list was released in the past few months that included the most commonly-used passwords of last year. These passwords, and any variation of these passwords, are some of the passwords ...
You may think it’s a little outlandish that you have to protect your phone from cyber attacks, but unfortunately, celebrities aren’t the only people who get their phones hacked. In ...
If for some reason you find yourself locked out of your Facebook account, now your closest friends can assist you. Trusted Contacts is a system that’s been tested since early 2011 ...
With hacking attempts, DDoS attacks, and stolen data becoming more prevalent as of late, it’s more important than ever that you and your employees exercise the proper protection techniques. This starts ...